
Clemente Álvarez Emergency Hospital

Dirección de Arq. Hospitalaria
Secretaria de Salud Pública de la Municipalidad de Rosario
Mario Corea
Silvana Codina
Francisco Quijano

Miguel Antezza
Marcelo Brunetti
Alejandro De Stefano
Alfredo Llusa
Jorgelina Paniagua
Antonio Muiño

Fermin Peña / Mario de Luca

The project for the new Clemente Álvarez Emergency Hospital (HECA) forms part of the strategy of the municipality of Rosario to renovate its health-care network and to adapt the general system to contemporary technological standards.

The concept of flexibility was the point of departure for the project and a network of 7 X 7 meter modules was developed which allows for both the subdivision and connection of the units.

The modular approach permits the use of the hospital according to its current requirements and at the same time makes it possible to accommodate necessary modifications in the future. On the one hand, such changes would imply that a minimal physical intervention be necessary while on the other, the circulation systems and the facades would not need to be altered.