Monthly Archives: October 2011

Teleproyecto interviews Mario Corea


Interview with Mario Corea to Teleproyecto. Watch online video here.
Categories: News, Press

The End of the World Biennial

Mario Corea participates in the 3rd edition of The End Of The World Biennial, in Argentina.
Categories: Events, News

Biennial Prize for Public Management

The department of Special Projects of Santa Fe´s Ministry of Public Works has been awarded the Biennial Prize for Public Management, presented during the XIII International Biennale of Architecture in Buenos Aires.
Categories: News

Biennial Award for International Architecture

Mario Corea is awarded the Biennial Prize for International Architecture, from the XIII International Architecture Biennial held in Buenos Aires, Argentina: "The relationship between Mario Corea and his architecture is as much passionate as rational, having achieved a professional life of exceptional and virtuous creative project experience."
Categories: News

Scalae interviews Mario Corea


Interview with Mario Corea to the argentine publication Scalae.
Categories: News, Press